2015年7月8日 星期三

剛巧碰到 come across

To come across有好多意思
第一個意思是巧遇 剛好遇到 碰巧找到
I came across a green bird on my way back home.
She came across this gashapon in the City filled with little bird models.
Bisou came across as shy when I first found her in the pet shop. That impression can't be wronger I later found out.

If you happen to come across me or Bisou, make sure that you say hello to us!

盡其可能 Go out of one's way

Go out of one's way的意思就是特別的努力 用盡所有方法去做某件事
Bisou goes out of her way to keep its feathers clean and shinny, for which she takes a lot of showers in Summer.
Mommy goes out of her way to make sure that the office AC is set at a reasonable temperature to avoid wasting energy.
I go out of my way to take buses when I travel
My uncle goes out of his way to ride scooters to work.

What do you go out of your way to do?
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